Our GUYS WITH CHARACTER program empowers teen boys to achieve their goals, take responsibility for their lives by learning self-directed leadership skills so they can become strong confident young men. Boys will learn life skills that often take adults a lifetime to learn.  We offer workshops, events, camps and volunteer opportunities for boys in 6th-12th grades.   

We are always open to running a program for any special groups such as a sports team, group of friends, scout troops, your school (if approved due to covid), etc.  Let us know and feel free to contact us with any questions, we'd love to work with your boys.

Topics Include:
Friendships, Bullying & Exclusion, Peer Pressure, Being A Leader, Social Skills, Health & Wellness, Stress & Anxiety, Relationships, Self-Image, Social Media, Confident Communicator, Healthy Competition & Attitude & Happiness.

Expected Results in participating in Guys With Character:

Leadership knowledge – attitude improvement – improved school performance & grades – better decision-making – improved relationships & conflict resolution & Confidence building.

MIDDLE SCHOOL                       

Our Guys With Character program gives young men a comfortable environment to share and discuss things that are on their mind.  Often boys at this age are adamant about attending workshops, especially if they don't know other participants but they love it once they attend one. They often realize they are not alone in how they feel and other middle school boys have the same worries they do. 

Each week your teen boys will enjoy spending time together discussing age relevant topics that they may be experiencing challenges with. They get to share and hear from other peers. Our sessions are interactive, fun, engaging and thought provoking. 

CLICK HERE to be stay informed on our upcoming workshops, events & camps


We will launch a High School program similar to what we are doing with the girls in the Fall of 2023.  Stay tuned.  We do offer volunteer opportunities at our workshops and events for our Confident Boys program (K-5th grades). Volunteering helps young men grow in their leadership abilities, become more responsible and learn to value "giving back".  If your son is interested in volunteering, click on the link below.